What will happen with legacy identity materials?
These guidelines are intended to provide a directive for future materials, and do not invalidate existing materials. The principle-based nature of the system allows legacy materials to exist in harmony while entities transition over. It also allows this new system to roll-out without creating noticeable visual dissonance. All official entities should use the new identity system on new projects, and may transition or redesign legacy materials or items as convenient.
How can I extend this system for use in my region?
The extensions to the identity system will be handled by the global divisions in collaboration with the General Conference Communication Department. To make recommendations or suggestions about local variations, please contact your local division communication department so they can be aware of the local needs.
Where can I find more information about the design process?
Inquiries can be submitted to the General Conference communication department through the contact form. We can either direct you to appropriate sources or notify you when additional information is posted on this site.
Who designed these guidelines?
These guidelines were designed by the General Conference Communications Department in partnership with Types & Symbols, a studio designing Adventist experiences.