Secondary typefaces are typefaces used to support a consistent design system, and create a cohesive visual expression that matches that of the logo typeface, Advent Sans. While you may use secondary typefaces in a layout, applied to titles, paragraph text, or descriptions, they are not meant for use in the logo in a lockup with the church symbol. Only Advent Sans may be used in lockup with the church symbol.

For entities in predominantly English-speaking regions, the recommended typefaces for paragraph text/body copy are Noto Sans and Noto Serif, or alternately Open Sans and Droid Serif, which were early versions of the above typefaces. Open Sans and Droid Serif include a variety of weights which can be used for establishing visual hierarchy.
If you are a trained or professional designer, you may feel free to use the principles of typography to select alternate typefaces for display and header copy, so long as you have a proper license to use them. If you are not a trained designer, please tread carefully.
The visual explanations of the guidelines across the site use the above three symbols to note acceptable applications of the system.
The green checkmark (✓) notes acceptable and preferred applications. You can reliably use applications with the green checkmark across many different contexts without needing to worry much about visual coherence.
The yellow exclamation point (!) notes applications that are acceptable but not preferred. When using these applications, you should be very careful to note how other visual elements interact with the specific element.
The red X notes unacceptable applications of the system. While this visual system isn’t something to be enforced, those applications noted with the X could either cause a fragmentation of the identity or simply be poorly designed.